Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cynic, Part Deux

It has been pointed out to me by one Maura (thank you, Maura) that, in contradiction to what I have previously claimed, justice as a concept actually DOES exist in nature. To quote,

"Many animals understand the concept of justice.  If you have trained monkeys or dogs to perform a certain task or trick in exchange for a reward (like a grape or a biscuit) and they both perform it but only one of them receives the reward, the deprived animal gets rather upset.  They either pester the human for the appropriate reward or try to steal it from the favored animal and usually stop performing the task.  They have a sense of justice in that they have been deprived by comparison to the other.  By comparison, if the animal performs a customarily-rewarded task but is not rewarded, but neither is his companion, he will continue to perform that task because in the past task leads to reward and may do so again in the future.  While justice does require a set of rules that we have all agreed to, we are not the only species to do so."

First of all, HOW COOL IS THAT.

Secondly, this is one of the reasons I like Maura. 

Thirdly, never let it be said that I am one of those people who won't publicly admit when proven wrong and/or ignorant about a thing. I stand (I'm lying, I'm sitting right now) corrected. 

More on this later, after I've had a chance to get some research together...not because I doubt her, because I don't, but because it deserves some thought on my part, as opposed to a swiftly thrown-together copy-pasted jumble of words. 


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