Monday, May 16, 2011

Status Update

Grades: Straight A's. Am trying not to prance about gloatishly; am failing rather spectacularly in this endeavor. This marks the first time I have ever gotten good grades across the board. Because apparently that's what happens when you actually do the work.

Chicago: Awaits! We leave tomorrow. Am almost fully packed. Please note that I will be officially Off The Grid the minute we leave for the airport, as I am quite deliberately not bringing the computer along and will be making every effort to resist stealing Andrew's assorted gadgetry for blogging/writing/emailing purposes. Because screw you guys, I'm in Chicago.

School: Starts again the day after we get back from Chicago. The summer semester will be dedicated to American history, attempting to finish at least a few chapters of Losing Time, and reading Ulysses. The classes themselves will be Monday through Thursday and I intend to keep my work schedule as packed as they will let me get it, so if you're wanting some Susie facetime, you're just going to have to try and find me.

That Having Been Said: So there's this storytelling center in the city that has workshops and meetups and the like, and I'd like to go. Any takers? Writer's Contingent, that's YOU I'm giving the hairy eyeball to, you know who you are. 

Arrogance: Is currently leveling out at an even 90%, which means I'm arrogant enough to give advice and critique without being asked for it, offer opinions on things that are none of my business, read things that I have little to no chance at actually understanding, and submit stories to magazines that are far too prestigious to print them. And, of course, prance about the house waving my arms and shouting a made-up song about my own genius. We are looking at a 10-day forecast with a 20% chance of  post-modern and pretentious with the probable addition of absinthe to the weather system, but we're hoping for a possible ego-puncture sometime Thursday, so keep your fingers crossed. 

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