Thursday, June 30, 2011


Lady downstairs, if it's five o'clock in the morning and you're going to be yelling into your phone at a high enough volume that I can hear you through the floor, can you do it in English so I at least get to know WHY?!

Line that is most likely bullshit: "I, I just don't think organized education is for me, you know? They're like, trying to put my head in a little box." Translation of line that is mot likely bullshit: "Man, I went away to college, you know? And I like, smoked pot and drank instead of doing the work, so like, my parents won't pay for it anymore."

Summer sunrises are pretty. Even on days when you can tell it's going to be a scorcher, the mornings are always cool and colored soft and smelling of dew.

We've been watching Glee. I've been singing more as a direct result. Sometimes I even sound good.

The mulberry tree in the backyard has a bumper crop of berries this year, which means the birds and squirrels put on daily acrobatics shows the likes of which are never seen outside of the circus. I can probably spend hours just watching them.

The completion of the Horrible History Class was not a source of joy. It should have been,  but it wasn't.

Fourth of July barbecue happening on the third. Likely, shenanigans will ensue. My most tricksterish of friends, having discovered I am to be working the eve of their arrival in my fine state, decided promptly that they shall wear their fezzes and wander about the store pretending to be customers. Which should prove entertaining.

Another is, I suspect, bringing forth as an early piece of birthday tribute an annotated copy of Ulysses of my very own. This was figured out because her thoughtfulness vastly outweighs her ability to keep secrets. She is, in fact, about as subtle as an annotated copy of Ulysses. Dropped from a great height onto a passing stranger's head.

I have run out of books again.

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