Saturday, July 30, 2011

I get lied to a lot.

Oh, not by everyone, not by a long shot; the guy I married has never, not once in our entire relationship, lied to me. And we've been dating/married/whathaveyou for eleven years now.

Mind you, I'm not the most honest person on the planet. In fact, I think that my relationship with truth could be charitably described as "uncomfortable". If one were feeling less charitable, of course, one could say that honesty and I tend to avoid one another in the corridors, like ex-lovers who know full well what one another's kinks are, who don't particularly want to think about that sort of thing ever again. 

So possibly my being irritated about other people lying to me is more than a bit hypocritical.

...oh, this was shaping up to be a truly delicious rant, but I just reread what I was writing here and realized some things that caused my ire to deflate.

  1. My husband has never, ever lied to me.
  2. I am a liar AND more than a bit of a hypocrite.
  3. He holds honesty on such a level of importance that he has never lied to me, and yet he STILL LOVES ME.
  4. Screw the people who have lied to me, how fucking lucky am I?!
Ah, well. Totally pointless blog entry.

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