Monday, July 4, 2011

When I woke up this morning under the unfortunate circumstance of having to go to work, the first thing I noticed was that I still had the multi-colored tophat that I had been wearing the evening before, perhaps crompled a bit but otherwise unharmed. Vague memories of being up a tree flitted through my head as I wandered into the shower, trying not to wake the people sprawled asleep in the library. Leaving for work uncovered more people sprawled asleep in the living room, who I hadn't previously known were there.

There were foam swords in the hallway that hadn't been there before. Other foam swords were later discovered tangled in the hydrangeas.

Thud-thud-thwomp, I knew I had gone to bed sometime around two and woken up some four hours later and was not particularly concerned with keeping the noise down.

I opened the front door and gazed out upon the world; my little pine tree gazed back (with its eyes) and waved a bit (with its arms). Some enterprising souls had decided my pine tree would make a good treemonster, one that had a startling resemblance to Oogie Boogie. "Hallo," I said to it, and trudged onwards.

I remember there were ninja battles, and some spontaneous Shakespeare recital, at one point Chris decided all the minions of Skeletor were hiding in the shadows and needed to be found and destroyed. I know there was a period of time spent hiding under my desk being shot at while someone irritably requested that the war be held on account of philosophical meanderings regarding the function of fiction in modern society. I suspect I decided someone's leg would be a good thing to make friends with, and I remember there were a few minutes where I was just circling Patty and circling Patty and circling Patty and circling Patty.

I know for a fact that I was taken hostage and had to rescue myself.

I know my cupcakes (raspberry-filled chocolate cupcakes with espresso-chocolate frosting) got me declared an entity of pure evil.

There was a lot of shouting and laughing going on, and everything tasted fantastic, and somehow, magically, Trick Ponies kept finding their way into my hands, in spite of Trick Ponies only existing in Chicago and not being the sort of drink one can make with any particular ease. Yet somehow a recipe was made up and somehow they kept appearing, and when you get right down to it you just shouldn't look a Trick Pony in the mouth.

...Yes, in fact it was one of the best parties ever. However did you guess?

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